January 01 1973
- (Bobby Fischer 1973 Blog) ★ (Image) Pensacola News Journal Pensacola, Florida Monday, January 01, 1973 - Page 40, “1972 Was Year of Sameness and Changes”
- (Bobby Fischer 1973 Blog) ★ (Image) Colorado Springs Gazette-Telegraph Colorado Springs, Colorado Wednesday, January 10, 1973 - Page 6, “Leading Chess Player to Speak To Friends Group”
- (Bobby Fischer 1973 Blog) ★ (Image) The Akron Beacon Journal Akron, Ohio Friday, January 19, 1973 - Page 41, “Chess Champ Challengers”
- (Vague Mention) ★ Oakland Tribune Oakland, California Thursday, January 18, 1973 - Page 54, “First Lesson in Chess Basics” “This is the first of 12 weekly lessons on how to play chess by Larry Eldridge, a sports writer for the Christian Science Monitor News Service. Eldridge, who also is a chess expert, covered the world championship match in Reykjavik, Iceland, last year when Bobby Fischer dethroned Russia's Boris Spassky.
Thanks to Bobby Fischer, chess is the “in” game nowadays. People who never before thought about playing suddenly want to learn, while those who know a few rudiments are anxious to improve their games.
This 12-part series beginning today is for both groups, along with anyone else who has an interest. it is hoped that readers will clip and save them for handy reference…” - (Bobby Fischer 1973 Blog) ★ / ★ (Image) The Indianapolis Star Indianapolis, Indiana Sunday, January 28, 1973 - Page 149, “Bobby Fischer with Dinah Shore”
- (Bobby Fischer 1973 Blog) ★ / ★ / ★ (Image) The Greenville News Greenville, South Carolina Monday, January 29, 1973 - Page 40, “Making Points”
February 01 1973
DINAH'S PLACE -- Aired 02/01/1973 -- Pictured: unknown, Grandmaster chess world champion Bobby Fischer, host Dinah Shore (Photo by Gary Null/NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal. Source of original b/w.)
June 05 1973
- (Bobby Fischer 1963 Blog) ★ (Image) Honolulu Star-Bulletin Honolulu, Hawaii Tuesday, June 05, 1973 - Page 14, “Has Bobby Fischer Quit Chess? Friends of Reclusive Champ Think So”
June 12 1973
- (Bobby Fischer 1973 Blog) ★ / ★ (Image) Journal Gazette Mattoon, Illinois Tuesday, June 12, 1973 - Page 10, “Will he ever play again: Chess champion's friends wonder”
October 15 1973
Unknown Newspaper, Unknown City/State, 1973
Chess Champ
World chess champion Bobby Fischer (right) alights from a Philippine Airlines flight at the airport, accompanied by Philippine national master Florencio Campomanes. Fischer is to open the first Philippine international chess tournament.
Bobby Fischer and Florencio Campomanes, Manila, 1973. Unknown photographer and date.
Fischer playing President Marcos, Philippines 1973. Unknown photographer and date.
Fischer playing Ferdinand Marcos, Philippines 1973. Unknown photographer and date.
Bobby Fischer in Manila, 1973. Unknown photographer and date.
Bobby Fischer and fans in Philippines, 1973. Unknown photographer and date.
Bobby Fischer and unknown friend, Philippines, 1973. Unknown photographer and date.
October 20 1973
Times Journal, Unknown City/State, Saturday, October 20, 1973
Barong For Fischer
World chess champion Bobby Fischer, who graced the inaugural ceremonies of the first Philippine international chess tournament, took time out from his busy sked here to sample Philippine-made clothes. Accompanied by international arbiter Florencio Campomanes, Fischer had himself outfitted by Toppers on Taft Avenue for a business suit and a specially-designed barong Pilipino with chess pieces embroideries. Toppers said it was giving Fischer the unique barong as a token of appreciation of the Filipino people for his visit here.
Unknown News Paper, Unknown City/State, October 1973
Fischer In Tour
Robert James Fischer (center) looks at Florencio Campomanes' direction when asked about his challenge match with Anatoly Karpov during a rare interview at the Manila International Airport after their arrival from Singapore yesterday. At right is PCF president Federico Moreno. Campomanes said negotiations for the the chess clash are still going on.
October 28 1973